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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Vernallis Analysis - The Fray

The Fray - Over my Head
-quite balanced between narrative and performance (about 60% 40%)
-partial, and fragmented /intercut between the performance. not complete with no closure
-narrative is quite fluid but cut up alot
-narrative is a bit of a driving force but it is helped by the performance and the music
-bit of a montage style

-continutity is confused as its intercut with performance
-occasionally jump cuts by breaking 30degree rule
-quite obvious cuts particularly during performance to highlight different instruments and break it up
-many cuts from CU - wide - ECU and cutting between narrative and performance
-cutting within lyrics
-a disrupted pace and not many matches on action

Camera movement and framing
-CUS and eXU very commmon and long shots
-slightly off centered framing
-camera moving with music and sometimes moves on the lyrics

-put straight into it with starting with the narratvie
-interupted actions
-alot of gaps in the narrative but less in time and space
-repetitiopn of lead singer singing

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