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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Autobiographical Tracks

Childhood I vividly remember loving Shain Twain "Man I Feel Like a Woman". I once did a drama club type thing and this was always the song to which we did a little dance routine warm up . I remember thinking the song was really cool and energetic, which made me really enthusiatic about dancing to it. So I picked the song as it makes me think back to just having a lot of carefree fun in my younger years.

Shain Twain - Man I Feel Like A Woman

Early TeensI chose "Under the Bridge" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers which i first heared in year 7 on our school trip to cwm in Wales. We listened to alot of this band on this trip, which Ienjoyed as I hadnt really gotten into music that much at this stage. This and a few other of specific songs by them really summed up the trip for me. It also introduced me to a much wider range of songs and genres and inspired me to take a more active interest in music.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Under The Bridge

Today I think this was the hardest track to pick - but I chose "cry me a river" by Ella Fitzgerald (though it has been covered by many artists). Whilst this isnt nesecarily my favourite song, it was the first song I did when I started my singing lessons. Learning it and listening to it made me more aware of the soul/blues/jazz singing that I found I really enjoyed. In particular it introduced me to Ella Fitzgerald and similar artists like Louis Armstrong, who I think do some really nice songs and duets like "Dancing Cheek to Cheek" and "Dream a Little Dream of Me". but this song has particular significance as it reenforced and reegnighted my fondness for this type of music.

Ella Fitzgerald - Cry Me A River

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