Our Final Music Video

Our Final Website

Our Final Album Cover

Our Final Album Cover

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Genre signifiers - rock and RnB

50 cent - Candy shop

chains, v baggy sports tops, canted trucker hats, fur coat, diamond earing, sports car, black male artist, rapping (not singing), sexy women in underwear, lots of women, dancing, small tight (matching) costumes, dance routines - women performance, very sexual tatoo, voyeristic, slowed down, make up/done up women, muscles tatoos, pendulums, duet/collaboration, suggestive dancing, posing

Guns n Roses - Welcome to the Jungle

white males with long scruffy backcombed hair, tight leather trousers, guitars, tattos, wild movements and playing, losing control, playing to large crowd, lots of performance, big erratic gestures, dark set, crowd in black clothes long guitar solo, long shots of playing instruments, screams, camera pans, sweat, dark eyes, black wrsitbands, strong exposed lights, top hat, leather jacketmovingmicrophone, low narrative, band interaction, fast zooms, long and varied song, highly instrumental

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