Our Final Music Video

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Our Final Album Cover

Our Final Album Cover

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Initial Idea No 1

jamie cullum - we run things

i think this jazz track could be an interesting choice as it is something a bit unconventional and niche but its upbeat sound could still allow for a varied choppy and original video.

i thought we could mimic some jazz conventions by having say 4 people in ultra smart black and white tailored outfits such as macs, heels, shirts, waistcoats and hats, possibly with raybans on to make them look mysterious and important. off center ECUs of their attire could start off the music video. this would be the concept/narrative of the video. mean while a the singer would be performing alongside - maybe standing on a pile of newspapers to show hes rebelling against the media - which would be the general interpretation/concept of the song. this could be shown by the monochrome people stylistically shredding newpapers and snapping CDs etc. most of this begining bit would focus on black and white but colour could start to be introduced at the musical interlude by playing the piano keys with coloured fingertips and spots of colour leading to the monochromes spreading paint onto black and white backgrounds/rooms.

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