Our Final Music Video

Our Final Website

Our Final Album Cover

Our Final Album Cover

Friday, October 8, 2010

reflections on reading

-classic memorable album covers have been stand out and different
-their mai aim is to sell the music (and artist) sothereforeneeds to contain some conventions such as artists name,album song and often an image of the artist
-genreis veryimortant when selling the album
-it needs to enticethe audience by being shocking or have iconic images
-soemthing linked to the artist is often used such a sa reacurring logo or colour scheme throughtoutthe markting campaign

-selective about info on frontcover
-think about denotation forms and conventions when desgining the cover
-look at ALOT of videos
-exchange contact details
-avoid shots of people just walking around
-shoot plenty of material
-Plan everything - storyboard props etc
-check for silly mistakes such as recording without the tape etc
-bring CD player to mime to
-use effects sparingly
-shoot performance  all the way through
-get feedback throughout process - from peers and others
-dont make excuses
-relate to real examples
-include ots of technical language

-lots of links to other instittions like myspace,youtub,faceboko
- easy navigation through menus etc
-direct interactivity with audience through blogs etc
-links to other artworkand different elements of the marketing campaign  - video tours etc

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