Our Final Music Video

Our Final Website

Our Final Album Cover

Our Final Album Cover

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reflections on Reading Posts

         RESEARCH AND PLANNING - level 4
-research similar products (anaylisising music videos - theory)
-research potential target audience (consumtion habits, likes, dislikes, core, secondary - audience profile)
-brilliant organistation (proven by shotlogs, scripts, storyboards etc)
-good time management (shown by above and by regualr meetings and bloggings
-care in presentation (pictures, colour, video, clips, sound - interesting and visual)
-use of IT and digital skills (lots of mised media on blog)
-communication (regular blogs to communicate with group and expressing how its all going)

        PRODUCTION - level 4
using skills below in an effective but creative way
-a steady shot
-variety of distances
-filming appropriate/relevant footage
-editing to create meaning
use of sound and image

Each group member needs to contribute to the group project - use labels to identify individual work on group blog

Key Points
-forms and conventions
-synergy between video - album cover and website
-audience feedback
-use of new media technologies
-ability to communicate
-use of digital technolgies (within the evaluation itself)

excellent understanding of all these sectors = Level 4 answer

all paper work needed is linked to the blog for pre - pro and post production

-regular blogs
-ongoing evidence of tasks and skills shown including continuing research
-show progress, change and development of ideas
-title posts and give appropriate name labels
-lots of communication
-links to claire, dom, wanda and music video blog
-links to final and acillary products
-clear to edit and browse posts (correct labelling)
-group style of blog and group photo

-regular posts
-ongoing individual research
-summaries of contributuion to project and its development
-communication between teachers (and group - though most of this will be through group blog)
-links to group blog plus cliare, wanda, doms and music video blog
-labbeling-  research planning evaluation
-links to external websites (eg latymer tube)
-easy to edit and browse
-individual style

make sure all work throughout the project is your own - do not lift material from proffessional sources or from other students or any other people

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