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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Prelim Evaluation - Question 3

I am very pleased with our edit as I think we've done quite a good job of matching the technical and visual aspect of the original footage. However, there are a few inconsistencies such as the whole ensemble changing between scenes, but this was the best way to let everyone have a go at performing. Also, there are a few shots which could have been done better - like in the jumping through the door shot - a flash goes off in the middle disrupting the lighting. Unfortunately we couldn't reshoot this as we were tight for time. Occasionally there isnt lip syncing where there should be - like when M.Ward exits the library - which is a slight oversight but not very noticable in the final product. Most of the performances in our edit our really sucessful as people were very smilely and lively - which looks good on tape.

Below is our edit of our version of "InThe Sun" by She and Him

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